ARIES Digital Strategy

ARIES Digital Strategy


Executive Director of ARIES at Centennial College Dr. Deepak Gupta,  required help making ARIES whole. The centers ARIC (Applied Research and Innovation Centre), COE (Centre for Entrepreneurship), ACCEL (Accelerator for Centennial College Entrepreneurs and Leaders), and WIMTACH (Wearable Interactive Mobile Technology Access Centre for Health) all have individual web properties and required better unification.  I worked with 5 highly skilled UX designers to create a unified implementable strategy for ARIES and its web properties.


Project Roles

UX Designer & Project Manager




ARIES  online presence is scattered and is missing a cohesive identity. Each centre contains its own voice and tone but lacks consistency.



Through analysis of each web property, 6 primary personas were carefully identified and researched.


Personas created for ARIES each one with their own goals and motivations.
More detailed example of one of the ARIES personas.


The vastness of the project needed to be quantified and documented.  A detailed quantitative list of all content with qualitative feedback was created identifying key areas for improvement.  Clear recommendations for addressing issues was included so that there is a clear path for actions that can be taken to improve content.



A Comparative Analysis was performed comparing the top 5 competitors. The criteria that we analyzed was carefully selected for this process. For example, we looked at how well competitors addressed the needs of users. Such as, are the labels on the navigation clear?


To improve the structure of the information on the ARIES web properties we identified many pathways by drawing out all of the high-level information structures on a whiteboard.

 Our team was able to condense and restructure this information into 3 simpler categories that are much easier for the user to understand. This structure was now part of ARIES' voice and tone as users could now easily navigate to learn more information about the centres.



As a culmination of the team's key findings from the previously mentioned methods digital wireframes were created. These wireframes reflect the unification strategy for the navigation, content, and flow of interactions across all ARIES websites.

To view the AXURE wireframe in your browser press on the image below to open it in a new window.



Our team has won the 2018 Learning-Centred Award for our work on the ARIES Digital Strategy.  Overall usability has been enhanced and engagement has been improved. I am proud of my teammates and their contributions and look forward to seeing the full implementation of our strategy in the near future.


For more information about ARIES feel free to navigate to one of its centres from the links below :



eBook UX/UI Design

UI & Prototype

Game UI Design

UX Exercises

Animation & Illustrations

UX Research & Design

 © Chris Dacol 2018